Which dental problems can our dentist in Ipswich help with?


When it comes to a problem with your teeth, our dentist in Ipswich understands that there is no middle ground. The discomfort caused by decay and disease can be impossible to live with, but so is the insecurity that comes with not being happy about your smile. Here at Quest Dental Care, we’re committed to quality patient care, no matter what the problem. We pride ourselves on having our patients leave the practice with a smile on their face, as well as feeling comfortable when visiting with us. If you’re wondering about the kind of treatment options we provide for a variety of dental problems, then read on to hear what our dentist in Ipswich has to say.

Missing teeth

There is a long list of reasons why you might have lost one or multiple teeth, ranging from trauma all the way to gum disease. The list of negative impacts is just as extensive, as your confidence can take a huge hit. You might also be distressed about changing your diet and missing out on your favourite foods, but our dentist in Ipswich can offer you control back over your life. With dental implants, you’ll be given artificial teeth that look and act exactly like your real teeth. They are metal screws that are installed into your jaw before an artificial crown is placed on top, joined with an abutment. The screws act exactly like your tooth root would do, even fusing in place with the bone and tissue.

Cleaning difficulties

Keeping on top of your dental hygiene routine might sound easy to do, but there are a number of factors that can often get in the way. We understand that life cannot be planned for and in some cases, you might forget to take care of your teeth the way you know you should. We don’t want you to feel guilty about it, especially when we provide dental hygienist appointments. During these appointments, you can expect to have your teeth and mouth thoroughly examined and cleaned. Our dental hygienist appointments are not just for keeping your teeth clean, however, as we will take this opportunity to check your teeth and mouth for any potential problems that could appear in the future.

Misaligned teeth

Unfortunately, misaligned teeth cannot be straightened with an excessive oral hygiene routine, even if you never forget to floss. We offer a variety of teeth-straightening treatments to help even out your smile, but we’d like to tell you about Invisalign, our clear aligner alternative. If you’re an adult who is often meeting with friends and colleagues, or speaking to big groups, you might not like the idea of wearing metal braces. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth on the go with aligners that are clear. This brace alternative works by adding pressure to your teeth in order to slowly guide them into their desired positions. Having a straight smile can be both confidence and happiness boosting, as well as protecting the health of your gums and surrounding teeth.

Discoloured teeth

Do you know what goes best with straight teeth? White teeth! As we age, smoke or consume dark foods and drinks, our teeth might start to stain. When the stain is particularly deep into the tooth, you will need to visit us for a teeth whitening treatment option that will lift the shades of your teeth. We offer both in-practice and at-home options, meaning anyone can have access to a bright, white smile!