How can our dentist in Ipswich help with dental insecurity?


No matter how old we are, it is completely normal to be insecure about our teeth. There will always be something you want to change or fix, but the good news is, our dentist in Ipswich offers a wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments to start your journey to dental confidence. Here at Quest Dental Care, we want you to feel comfortable and happy through every stage of your time with us. Quality patient care is our main priority, so we will always assess on an individual basis and listen to all your concerns.

If you’re someone who suffers from dental insecurity, our dentist in Ipswich wants you to know that you’re in the right place. You are not the first person to wish for changes for their teeth and you won’t be the last, but getting the smile you desire has never been easier. Read on to learn about the treatment options we provide and how they can help!

Teeth whitening

One of the biggest concerns patients have with their teeth is how white they are. Our dentist in Ipswich understands that with age, your teeth might start to discolour or stain. Discolouring may even come about due to the intake of dark coloured foods and drinks, such as coffee or wine. With our teeth whitening treatment options, however, lifting the shade of your teeth has never been easier. We offer both in-practice and at-home whitening options, so if you’d prefer to get your bright, white smile from the comfort of your home, we’re happy to provide you with the knowledge to do so. If you do decide to whiten your teeth with us, we’ll create customised mouth trays and apply a bleaching agent to get the shade of white that you’re happy with.

Teeth straightening

Are you unhappy with how uneven your teeth are? If you suffer from misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth or have an underbite, Invisalign might be the option for you. Having misaligned teeth can be upsetting for many people and can often lead to smiling less or feeling insecure in public, but with Invisalign you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing. Our clear aligner alternative works by adding pressure to your teeth to slowly move them into their desired positions. It is important that you wear your aligners as much as possible and swap them when instructed, especially if you want to get your optimal result. Invisalign aligners are completely removable, too, allowing you to clean every inch of your mouth and still indulge in your favourite food choices.


If you have gaps between your teeth, chipped teeth or teeth that do not completely match the same shape as your other teeth, veneers could be the ideal treatment option for you. A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that we can control while applying it to your tooth, allowing us to mould the porcelain into anything you desire. With this treatment, we’re able to close gaps, hide chips and give an overall more even look to your smile. Veneers can last for a long period of time, typically reaching between five to seven years, and will be matched to the shade of your surrounding teeth.