Dental Veneers: The 8 Most Commonly Asked Questions Answered

Scroll Instagram and TikTok, or watch almost anything on TV, and you’ll see perfect smiles everywhere. The accessibility of high-quality cosmetic dentistry has made it easier than ever to get the smile of your dreams, and dental veneers are one of the most popular treatment options. 

Veneers can make your smile look naturally healthy and balanced. But if you’re considering getting dental veneers, you’ll likely have several questions like “what are dental veneers made of?” and “what happens during the dental veneer procedure?

You’re not alone in asking questions about dental veneers. With this in mind, we’ve compiled this guide to help you understand the benefits of veneers and what’s involved in placing and maintaining them. 

1. What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are fine porcelain shells that are bonded to your teeth. They cover the fronts and sides of your teeth to improve their appearance. 

2. What Can Veneers Fix?

Dental veneer treatment offers various cosmetic benefits. We can use them to repair damage like cracks and chips, build up misshapen teeth, and improve their colour and texture. 

In many cases, veneers give your smile a uniform look while closing slight gaps between teeth. 

Although veneers are regarded as a cosmetic treatment, repairing damaged teeth can help protect your smile and prevent tooth decay and infection. 

3. How Long Will Dental Veneers Last?

As with your natural teeth, factors like your lifestyle, overall health, and commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene will all affect the longevity of your veneers. 

With proper care, the average lifespan of dental veneers is around ten years. However, this could be slightly longer or shorter, depending on how you care for your smile. 

4. How Do I Care for My Veneers?

The secret to looking after your veneers is to keep your teeth clean and attend regular dental checkups. Brushing twice a day, flossing, using mouthwash, and visiting our hygienist every few months are all important steps in maintaining your beautiful new smile. 

You also need to remember that although porcelain is durable, it’s not as strong as the enamel which naturally coats your teeth. This means you should avoid biting or chewing any non-food items that could damage your veneers, including pen lids, ice, and your nails. 

5. Are Veneers Suitable for Everyone?

Not everyone can have veneers. Certain conditions could rule them out as an option for restoring your smile. For example, grinding or clenching your teeth could damage your veneers. Similarly, issues like gum disease, dental infections, or severely crowded teeth could impact your suitability for veneers. 

Where possible, we’ll create a personalised plan to treat any issues before getting veneers. 

6. Can Veneers Become Stained?

Although porcelain veneers will give you a bright and healthy smile, they can become stained or discoloured over time without proper care. Cigarette smoke, tea, coffee, red wine, spicy foods, and dark berries can all stain your teeth. And although porcelain veneers have a degree of resistance to stains, they are not totally immune. 

We recommend regular hygiene visits coupled with a thorough brushing routine. 

7. How Are Veneers Placed?

Dental veneers are placed over two appointments. During the first session, we’ll remove a small amount of enamel from the surface of your teeth. This ensures that fine porcelain doesn’t make your teeth appear too large. To ensure maximum comfort, we’ll provide you with an anaesthetic before performing this part of the procedure.

After the lab has created your custom veneers, we’ll invite you to the clinic to place them. We’ll bond your veneers carefully into position. 

8. How Many Veneers Will I Need?

Every smile differs, so we’ll create a tailored treatment plan based on your needs. You may only want a couple of veneers or choose to have veneers across your entire smile. 

Whatever your needs, we’ll ensure all veneers match your smile and are the perfect size, shape, texture, and colour. 

Dental Veneers in Ipswich 

Dental veneers are one of the most popular and effective ways to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Before making the decision to have veneers, we recommend asking questions to ensure the treatment is right for you. 

Call us today to book your consultation.