Have you considered dentures from our dentist?


You may associate dentures with being the dental option at the end of the road or as a last resort. But, increasingly, that is not the case at our dentist in Ipswich, as dentures are no longer the exclusive domain of older patients!

Fading stigma

As much as we try to give an even-handed assessment of dentures, it is hard to get around the fact that there is a most definite stigma around them, as they are still seen as the somewhat clumsy pink gummed false teeth worn by someone either older or ill. Modern dentures are not like that at all; not only do the teeth usually seamlessly match any of your natural remaining teeth, but the gum is coloured and textured to blend in with your natural gum tone.

There is also an idea that dentures are overly obvious, but the vast majority of dentures will never be noticed. Thanks in part to modern technology and design, it is highly likely that in your daily life you have encountered someone who is wearing dentures and simply haven’t noticed them!

Implant immobilisation

Whatever issue they are correcting, full or partial dentures (sometimes referred to as bridges).  can be permanently immobilised with implants. Unlike the single implant where the titanium artificial root is used to anchor a single crown in place, immobilisation uses a set of them to hold a denture firmly in place, in contact with the gum.

This greatly improves the patient’s perception of their denture; it goes from a set of removable teeth to an integrated prosthesis and an extension of themselves rather than a thing that they wear. It does increase the inconvenience of cleaning and maintenance, but this cleaning and maintenance is brushing instead of an overnight soaking. This is a routine that they are likely to be very accustomed to and increases the sensation of having their natural teeth back.

Maintenance and longevity

Whether integrated or not, partial or full longevity of a denture is important. They are a significant investment after all, and it is not unfair for people to expect their money’s worth. Thankfully, even with very limited care, a denture can last 5 years and this can extend to over 15 depending on lifestyle and regular maintenance.

Most alterations performed to a denture at our dentist in Ipswich will occur within the first few weeks of receiving them. These are usually fitting alterations to make sure they comfortably interact with the gum, holding it tight enough to stay still, but not too tight that they pinch.

Usually when damage occurs to one or more teeth, they can be removed from the mouth and replaced rather than replacing the entire prosthesis. The semi-permanent locking mechanism at the top of implants called the connector allows a denture to be removed from the implant, without the implant having to be removed from the jawbone. This allows even dramatically damaged implanted dentures to be taken out without having to undergo an invasive surgical process of extracting and reimplanting the titanium part of the implant.


Everybody’s dental needs are different and you will not know for sure until you have had an assessment at our dentist in Ipswich what will address your needs best. Please feel free to get in contact and we would be happy to book or answer any of your questions.