Invisalign: 10 Top Tips To Help You Straighten Your Teeth

Invisalign is one of the most popular treatments for straightening teeth. Since its launch around two and a half decades ago, millions across the world have perfected their smiles and gained a new sense of confidence after wearing clear aligners. 

If you have crooked teeth or a gappy or crowded smile, there’s a chance you’re already considering Invisalign as a treatment option. The aligners are comfortable, convenient, and above all else, discreet. 

While you may know the basic information about Invisalign, it’s natural to have questions. You’ll always need to know more about the treatment so you can really get the most out of it. 

To help you understand Invisalign, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten tips to help you on your teeth straightening journey. 

1. Wear Your Aligner for 22 Hours Each Day

The beauty of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable. But as convenient as that is, you do need to ensure you’re wearing them enough to make them effective. 

Tooth movements occur when pressure is applied by your aligner. This force needs to be almost constant. To stay on track with your treatment and to get the smile you’re expecting, you need to wear your aligner for 22 hours a day. 

You can still remove your aligner to eat and drink or whenever you brush your teeth. The two hours a day when you don’t have to wear your aligner gives you a chance to check out the progress or to take unobstructed photos of your smile.

2. Take Your Aligner Out to Eat

Invisalign is known for being lightweight and comfortable. Because of this, it’s sometimes easy to forget you’re wearing your aligner. 

It’s vital that you take your aligner out at mealtimes. Eating with your aligner will cause stains and damage and impact its effectiveness. 

3. Take Your Aligner Out to Drink

Although you might not think drinking will affect your aligner, it will. Hot drinks can cause discolouration while distorting the plastic. A warped aligner won’t do what it’s meant to do! 

Even cold drinks can affect your aligner. Sugar and alcohol can leave stains, and if any gets trapped inside the aligner for a long period, bacteria will build up, leading to acid erosion. 

4. Brush Your Teeth and Clean Your Aligner!

Brushing becomes more important than ever when you wear an aligner. Bacteria can easily build up under the aligner. Because it’s pressed against your teeth, this bacteria build-up might really harm them. 

Brush thoroughly at least twice a day. When you brush your teeth, clear your aligner, too. It’s also worth carrying a travel toothbrush and some toothpaste with you to keep your smile healthy when you’re out of the house. 

5. Put Your Aligner In a Case When It’s Not In Use

When you eat, drink, or brush your teeth, keep your aligner safe in a case. Don’t put your aligner down on the table or in your pocket as it’s likely to pick up bacteria or debris.  

6. Change Your Aligner As Instructed

Invisalign uses a series of aligners to get your smile to the perfect result you’re expecting. When you come to see us for your initial consultation, we’ll take scans of your teeth and use some amazing software to plot the steps needed to arrive at your end goal. 

Each of these steps involves swapping your aligner, which will happen roughly every two weeks. If you don’t change your aligner as planned, it could delay or impact your treatment. 

7. Switch Aligners At Bedtime

When you first wear your new aligner, it may feel a little tight. One of the best ways to get used to how it feels is to wear it while you’re asleep. Putting your new aligner in before bed means you’ll soon find it feels normal again. 

8. Don’t Throw Your Last Aligner Away

Although we recommend always wearing your aligners in the order we give them, it’s worth holding onto your most recent. 

If you lose or break your current aligner, you should let us know as soon as possible. We may suggest wearing your most recent aligner to preserve your progress until we can provide you with the next step. 

9. Don’t Let Anyone Else Wear Your Aligner

Your aligners are designed specifically for your teeth. If anyone asks if they can try your aligner to see what it’s like, politely refuse. If anyone else wears your aligner, it will bend it out of shape and impact its effectiveness. 

10. Take Progress Selfies

It’s great to see the changes in your smile. You might notice movements in your teeth after just a few weeks. Documenting your journey with regular selfies is a great way to keep yourself motivated to continue sticking with your treatment plan.

Invisalign in Ipswich

Invisalign is a smile-enhancing treatment which leaves you with straighter teeth you can feel great about. Following these tips helps your treatment go smoother. 

Contact us today to book your Invisalign consultation.