The role of our dentist in Ipswich for maintaining good dental health


It is important to visit our dentist in Ipswich on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth are clean and strong, your gums are healthy and you are free of any dental health issues. Here at Quest Dental Care, we recommend that you visit our dentist in Ipswich at least once every six months or more if you are prone to dental issues. When you visit our dentist in Ipswich regularly, we can help you detect dental issues early on so that they can be treated quickly and effectively before they can cause further damage or affect the surrounding healthy teeth.

Unfortunately, here in the UK, a significant percentage of the adult population is reluctant to attend dental appointments. Research has shown that over 50{14bd6e36699cb5be36d471956e3498386e7c0389c641530eb7b6f2f8e9214320} of adults suffer from a certain extent of dental anxiety or dental phobia; because of this, a quarter of the population goes for checkups only when they have a problem.

If you frequently visit our dentist, then these problems can be avoided. Speak to our dental team at Quest Dental Care to talk about dental anxiety and phobia. We will always have your best interests at heart, and we want you to enjoy good oral health and a beautiful smile for life.

Avoiding dental appointments can result in the formation and development of many dental problems, which can have significantly detrimental effects on your oral health and eventually result in irreversible damage to your teeth. We will help calm your nerves and provide quality dental care with minimal pain so that you can address your dental needs here at Quest Dental Care.

Dental implants in Ipswich

Almost 75{14bd6e36699cb5be36d471956e3498386e7c0389c641530eb7b6f2f8e9214320} of the adult population here in the UK have a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. This could be a result of either poor oral hygiene, injuries to the mouth or avoiding dental checkups. If you have lost a tooth and regardless of whether it has fallen out or been extracted, you must speak with our team at Quest Dental Care to find out about dental implants and whether they may be suitable for you.

We want you to be proud of your smile and enjoy good oral health. Dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement therapy. They have been around for over half a century; however, it is only over the last two decades that they have seen a surge in uptake and growth in popularity amongst dentists and patients alike. Dental implants at Quest Dental Care are a permanent solution to addressing missing teeth and can provide comfort, convenience and confidence with a success rate of 98{14bd6e36699cb5be36d471956e3498386e7c0389c641530eb7b6f2f8e9214320}.

Visit us at Quest Dental Care today to undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, get your oral health assessed and address your dental issues where necessary. Once our dentist is satisfied with the health of your existing teeth, you may begin your journey to restoring your smile and the function of your mouth with dental implants here at Quest Dental Care.